Monday, July 16, 2012

Happy Birthday to my big boy.

My boy is an adult.
CoRi dAwN and Bryant at his birthday dinner.

Today is Bryant's birthday.
And he is 18.
He is all about food.
The boy man loves to eat.
So his gifts were cash,
a big fat gift card to
Qdoba, and a very fabulous
with his whole entire family.
That lucky man!
I think what he is most excited about is voting.
The boy man loves politics.
And I love him.

Dear Bryant,
Happy Birthday Son!! I just can't believe that you are 18. It's not fair. I enjoy being your mom. I'm scared you are going to love being away from me. Please miss me. You are smart and funny. Oh and also quite handsome. And I adore you.
CoRi dAwN

It's been a while but I just gotta.

 I just gotta share that 
"Life is Good"

In the Winter of 2005 my dad was diagnosed with AML or Acute Myeloid Leukemia. His treatments were horrible and he was miserable. But they worked and he went into "remission".

Remission sadly only lasted for about a year and a half. When I found out that he was sick again, I was heart broken. I didn't know if he was going to choose to undergo horrible treatments again or if he was just too tired. He was tired, really tired but he fought on. And he fought hard. 

In the Spring of 2008 my dad had a bone marrow transplant. To aid my dad in his fight with AML he had an army of people; his family, his team of brilliant doctors and nurses, and JASON.

We didn't know Jason as Jason, to us he was "the donor". Although we didn't know him, he filled our thoughts and our prayers. We prayed for him, not only for his safety but also that he would somehow know how grateful we were for his sacrifice.

Here it is Summer of 2012 and my dad is healthy. And I am ever so grateful for that.

And today my dad met Jason.

Mike my healthy dad, Dinie my beautiful step-mom,
and JASON "the donor" and life saver.

While my dad was sick e-mails were sent out to friends and family by Dinie and they always ended with
"Life is Good".

I saved every single one. I cherish those e-mails and am going to share a couple.

We had the pleasure of having Mychael-Ann with us from Sunday to Thursday this week. She and Dixie and Ben (the out-of-towners...not to mention the many in-towners) have been taking good care of us! Mike did well until Wednesday when he came down with a fever and had to return to the hospital. He's been receiving antibiotics and other medications to make him more comfortable. He's had some pain meds that make him pretty woozy and he's actually been pretty entertaining...we've been writing the funny things he says on his room bulletin board! We'll let you know IF he actually does get to help unload patients from Pegasus (the helicopter with the landing pad just outside his room). Today (Saturday) he is feeling better and was even sitting up in his chair for a bit.
We have fabulous news from MCV...he has greater than 150 potential donors from the donor bank!!! This is a great number which means they get to pick the cream of the crop! His doctor from MCV has also decided to have our kids tested so they will be receiving a kit with a cheek swab and will be tested for their donor status. There is a less than 2 % chance that they will qualify but still worth checking.
Thanks to all of you who have sent Mike (and me)'s just great to open well wishes and encouraging words and really, it means so much to our family to be sustained by our friends and family. ~life is good~

Please celebrate this fabulous news with us...MIKE IS IN REMISSION!!!
This means that the official donor search is on! We do know so far that Jay, Cori and Mychael-Ann are not matches and the other kids are still pending. We will keep you informed!
Sadly it also means that he begins chemo again :-( he started on Monday and will continue through this week. The good news is he is doing his chemo outpatient this time :-) That makes it a little more tolerable.
We also are happy to report that the bone marrow drive was a great success. We had over 30 people join the registry and we have additional kits that are already paid for (thanks to donations from friends, family, and the community) just let me know asap if you are interested.
My friends from work put on a bake sale that was the mother of all bake sales! If you weren't there to really missed out! Thanks to you guys for your great work and btw I need larger pants now :-0
We are enjoying Cori's great company right now...5 short days but loving every minute of it! She keeps us laughing and she's the best dishwasher ever PLUS she rubs my feet :-) (not to mention she has been Mikes company during chemo)!
Mychael-Ann and her family are coming late Saturday night for the week so we're hoping, praying and crossing our fingers that Mike stays well for their visit.
Hoping all is well with all of you...thanks for your emails...we love and appreciate you...and remember...~ life is good ~
We are in the middle of a wonderful miracle! Mike breezed through his week of chemo at MCV and then breezed through a week of follow ups at UVA. He has had to have platelets transfused but other than that he's doing just great! He's actually wondering if they really gave him chemo...he should be losing hair but he's actually having to trim some interesting eyebrow formations and he really has had only mild side effects!
We really enjoyed having Mychael-Ann and Dana's company and help and as usual it is SO hard to say goodbye to our kids.
We're looking forward to Dixie and Cori coming home in March.
The other miracle worth mentioning is that we heard from our insurance company and they have approved the transplant! All we're waiting for now is to hear from the donor.
I'm beginning to think this might really happen!

~ life is good ~

The plan looks something like this...
Mike travels to MCV this Sunday, Monday and Tuesday to receive a drug to help prevent complications from radiation.
Tuesday they put in an additional "line" in his chest for IV access.
Wednesday he begins full body radiation- twice daily for 3 days.
Saturday and Sunday are chemo days.
Monday is a day of rest.
Tuesday is the day the donor chose to have his bone marrow harvested which means Mike waits for the marrow to be collected and flown to the hospital. If it arrives too late on Tuesday they will wait until Wednesday to do the transplant.
This is donor # 2 and all we know is that he is a 23 year old man who weighs 160# and his blood type is A+.
We sure look forward to the day we can share our gratitude with him.
Honestly...tonight it's feeling pretty scary.
I do have something cute to share with you though...for those of you who know Mike, you know that he has this beautiful, silky, gray hair. He's lost it twice now after chemo and it was expected to fall out with this last round of chemo in January. Well, not only didn't he lose any hair but it's been steady growing in and today I realized that even though MIke is trying his hardest (even with "products") it's not just all messed up in the's actually CURLY!!!!
I am SO excited!

Well, folks... this is what we've all been hoping and praying for.
I'll sign off with a plea and a disclaimer...
the plea...even though it's already been a loooong haul...I hope you will all continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers, I have the feeling we'll need more now than ever before.
the disclaimer...if we've learned anything through this's that things aren't always what they appear! All of the above has the potential to change!
As of today this is our plan...we hope it sticks!
~ life is good ~

Just a quick note to let you all know that Mike is doing well! The transplant was quite boring actually...nothing more exciting than receiving a blood transfusion...and at this point that's a walk in the park for Mike! He did very well and had none of the likely side effects. He did get sick on transplant day but it was related to the chemo and other drugs he was given to prepare for the transplant.
Today he feels a little less perky than yesterday but thats no surprise as we know he will get worse before he gets better.
When I asked Mike what he wanted to say on here he said every day here is a day closer to getting out...even if it is a sick day! And then in a sad voice I miss my daggone friends. =(
I'm doing fine, just hate seeing Mike get sick. Write us when you get a chance, it sure is nice to hear from you all!
Love, Mike & Dinie

~ life is good ~

During this month of special focus on Thanksgiving, Mike and I want to express our gratitude for each of you! We have experienced the miracle of counting our blessings each day as we endured through the past year. We want you to know that this simple act of recognizing and expressing our blessings has given us both the opportunity to feel happiness, encouragement, love and most of all peace. We hope these will be gifts you too will experience in the coming year as you are faced with your own challenges- our hope for you is that you will not wait until a holiday or special occasion to count the many blessings in your life.
Mike had such a wonderful experience at the hospital last Wednesday!
The visit was pretty much routine...check weight , vital signs and draw blood, then wait til results come back and meet with the doc.
The thing that was so special this time was that when the doctor told him just how fantastic he's doing Mike really heard him! He's been doing very well and we've had some great comments made recently "months ahead of the average" "fantastic progress" and "you are really doing a remarkable job of recovery". Not sure why suddenly he "got it" but it was a great moment to be with Mike when he said- "did you hear him say how good I'm doing"???
The other "fun" thing is that he has started to receive his baby shots! He has to be vaccinated with all of the shots we give our babies and so far he's had 2 sets. The first ones must have been pretty painful because he whined er, commented for days about his sore arm. It's exciting because this gives him a wider open door into life!
Other than the fact that I have a horrible cold and he woke up today thanking me for "sharing" with him he continues to feel and look stronger each day! We joined a local gym and he's enjoyed that special challenge!
Maybe he's beginning to feel that 23 year old's blood pumping through him! He also is loving being surrounded by grandchildren and the opportunity to help our children in the care of their kids. What a wonderful blessing that is... If only I didn't have to work... being a full time grandma sounds pretty good!
We love each of you and once again thank each and every one of you for the special blessing you are in our lives. I think often we never realize just how meaningful our prayer, card, call, hug or smile has meant to please know from Mike and I and our famliy that your offerings of love are much appreciated.
Happy Thanksgiving!
~ life is good ~

Dear Jason,
I don't really think "THANK YOU" is strong enough. But THANK YOU!!
I wish I could have been there today when my dad got to meet you. I would have given you a hug. And I probably would have cried. (Just typing this makes me cry.)

Because of your sacrifice my dad lives. And my children have gotten to know their grandpa'. I will forever be grateful.

You gave our family the best gift ever! Life.  

You are indeed the "cream of the crop"!

With much love and even more gratitude and on behalf of my dad's entire family, I say THANK YOU and "Life is Good".

CoRi dAwN

PS. I think it's kinda funny but you look like my Uncle Ricky. Oh and also now my dad and I have the same blood type and I think that's pretty cool. So thanks for changing that for him.
This might be half of my dad's entire family and as you can see,
he is the center of it.

Be the Match!!
And join the Bone Marrow Registry.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Good Work Son!

Bryant Graduated!
Yesterday I watched as my
big boy graduated.
It made me cry.
Just a little.

Dear Bryant,
You amaze me. I am proud of who you are and excited to see what you will become. I know you will do great things and be a driving force for good in your family and in the world. I love you and am glad to call you mine.
CoRi dAwN

Saturday, May 19, 2012

I do love my boots

I love cowboy boots.
They make me happy.

So today,
I put on mine!
I needed them.

Today I was asked to take some photos
of an annual race held here
in our community.

I was happy willing to do it.
But then I woke up to thunder, I could hear the rain and knew I was going to freeze.
I was then less than willing.
And, I was right!
It was super wet and very cold.

So I was there, taking pictures in the rain, in my boots.
Everyone else was wearing running shoes and looking all athletic and such.
But not me,
I was looking way cool
feeling way strong.
Cause I had on my pink cowboy boots.

Dear Pink Cowboy Boots,
You give me strength. Thanks! I needed it today.
CoRi dAwN

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Time to play in the dirt!

It's past Mother's Day
so that means it's planting time.
I do so enjoy playing in the dirt.
It makes me happy.
But what makes me even happier
is when my kids enjoy the dirt with me.
And with each other.

Dear Jarret, Alyson, and Emilee,
You guys make me laugh! Thanks for playing with me.
CoRi dAwN

Monday, May 14, 2012

What a lovely Mother's Day!

Many Mother's Days I am reminded of how much better I could be. My best is not THE best and I am painfully reminded of that on Mother's Day and I often feel like a huge failure.

However yesterday I tried not to care.

Yesterday I tried to not focus on my mothering and I tried to focus on the mothering I receive. I have some very amazing mothers in life! And I love them!

From these amazing women, who are my mothers, I have learned:
to love.
to work really hard.
to endure.
to be faithful.
to enjoy my kids.
to laugh....hard.
so hard you wet your pants.
and to love Jesus.

Dear Teresa, Dinie, Doris, and Marita,
Thank you for your mothering. If ever you had a Mother's Day where you felt like a failure know this... To me you are NOT! To me you are amazing and I love you.
CoRi dAwN

Sunday, April 29, 2012

A whole month! Oh dear!

Have you missed me? Cause I missed you. I'm sorry for the neglect. I have had some things going on at home that has taken up my time. I will do my best to catch ya up.

But I bought a membership to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. And It's AWESOME!

Dear Blog Readers,
CoRi dAwN

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It's here!!

Spring is here, I love Spring.
Spring actually came yesterday but
my flower came today.
I've been waiting and waiting
and finally I have a flower at my house. I love flowers.
I am happiest when it's Spring.

Funny story...
A few years ago my oldest said to me, "If Spring is your favorite time of year then why are most of your kids born in the winter?" I laughed and said, "Because darling Spring is my favorite time of year."

Dear Spring,
Thanks for coming. I'm so glad you are here. There were times when I thought you'd never come. And thanks for bringing me a flower.
CoRi dAwN

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I just randomly found this picture of some people we all know.
And ummm there is something wrong.
Really very wrong.
I mean there is a lot wrong but what I am wondering about is Kim's bum. Does she stuff her bum? And if she does, why would she?
It's just weird to me.
That's not right.
It looks funny.

Dear Kim,
If I am wrong, I'm sorry. But if you do in fact pad yo bum...don't. You're cute, stop while you're ahead.
CoRi dAwN

Saturday, March 17, 2012

He's mine

So yesterday I had a conversation with a dear friend who I love and adore. She is absolutely amazing. She's kind and helpful and lovely.

The only thing that's wrong is that she has the pleasure of teaching one of my kids in Sunday School.

And kid is not always easy to teach. He or she may or may not even be a little out of control. I wish all my kids came with perfect manners but they certainly did not. They are all learning.

So yesterday after our conversation and feeling a little bad. I heard "He's Mine" by Rodney Atkins and suddenly I felt better.

He or she is mine.
And I'm proud of that.
I love them just the way they are.

*Click pause on my playlist*
Dear Child of MINE,
I adore you. I know you are learning and I am perfectly fine with that. I'll take the blame and claim you every time.
CoRi dAwN

Monday, March 5, 2012

I'm home but

I had just a really lovely time in Provo hanging out with Alyson. She's more than lovely and I'm not just saying that cause she's mine. She is REALLY something special! I missed her.

We went shopping and got a hair cut. And went shopping here and bought some jewelry and went shopping and bought some shoes. And we also went shopping looked and looked and looked for the perfect hand bag, it took a long time but Hannah finally found it! And then we went to cousin Melanie's house and laughed and watched a movie and we shopped some more. And inbetween all that we ate.

Melanie is a jewelry importer and so we spent a couple of hours going through her jewels playing dress-up and SHOCKER made some purchases. I'm going to take some pictures of all of the fun pieces I got and do a little blog show and tell another day cause they are so much fun!!

I did all this fun stuff with Alyson and her upcoming mates Chelsea, Hannah, and Kara. What fun girls they are.
Alyson, Kara, Hannah, and Chelsea

And then last night we went to Uncle Lewis and Aunt Brenda's house. What a lovely visit we had!! We talked and laughed and ate Aunt Brenda's super yummy food. And Uncle Lewis gave me the necklace from Melanie's neck. *It was cute!* I loved that she just gave it up! It made me laugh. I sure hope she really doesn't mind that I stole from around her neck. She said she didn't....I don't know. But I'm sure she still loves me anyway.
Ashlyn and Alyson

And the best thing of all....
I got to hear Alyson play the Hymns on the relatives piano. What a treat. I miss that sound in my house.

Dear Melanie,
I hope you really don't care that I have your necklace, if it will make you feel better I'll take a picture of me wearing it and text it to you. OH and also, just as soon as Annie comes to SLC or Denver we MUST go. Thanks for all the fun and can't wait to do it again. I love you!!
CoRi dAwN

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

When I was little

My favorite movie was
Oh how I loved that movie.
I actually still love it.
I had a cassette of the soundtrack and today I kinda want to add it to my iPod. I am sure I could still sing all of the songs...Perfectly.

But today I am thinking about Annie because of her song
You see tomorrow I get to go visit
I have missed her terribly and am super excited to get to spend some time with her.
We are going to pop popcorn, watch movies, jump rope, maybe hula hoop, and stay up all night long. So hurry up sun and come up again tomorrow.

Dear Annie,
If only you had six letters in your name one of my girls would have been named after you. But I love you and your movie. I love to sing your songs. My kids think I'm a bit crazy but I can't help it. When I was little my cousins and I used to make up dances to your music and I also had you in doll form and of course a heart shaped locket. Annie thanks for the reminder that the sun will indeed come out tomorrow.
CoRi dAwN

Friday, February 24, 2012

Today is crazy hair day.

And whenever crazy hair day comes I think back to yester-year when my Jarret had the craziest hair in crazy hair day history. When I look at these pictures I still smile. He asked for it and I allowed it.
And I'm glad I did, it was

And then -sad- we shaved his whole head for church.

Dear Jarret,
The time we made your hair "old man" style, well it's one of my favorite memories ever! It still makes me laugh. And at the time I was a little depressed and I think your hair helped me be happier. So thanks for having an awesome sense of humor. I stinking adore you and that crazy head of yours!!
CoRi dAwN

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

For Valentine's Day

I sent Alyson a care package.
It had some yummy treats,
a really fun cook book,
a super cute apron,
some medications,
and of course my love.

The other item I put in there was a magazine that I had a huge blast looking at.
I expressed my opinions on about every other page. I just...well I wanted her to know how I felt about a few things. My hope was that it would make her laugh. Nothing less and nothing more. Just laugh.

And the very romantic apron...
Looks amazing on a guy.

Dear Alyson,
I always have fun putting together packages for you. It's so much fun. And about your wedding.... NO RUSH! The magazine is just fun to look at. I mean being married is lovely and all but not so much if you don't find the right guy. So have fun dating. Love you.
CoRi dAwN

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Why do I even blog?

I'm sure the people that read this blog wonder the same thing. I'm not a great writer. My opinions matter to few. And I am just a plain old (and by old, I mean still cool but old) average American wife, mother, and nurse.

Let me answer my own question...

I spend time blogging because I want my family and my friends to know how much I love them. I want them to know that they are important to me and spending time with them is just exactly what I want to do. I also know the importance of keeping records. And this a nice way to record the comings and goings of my family.

President Thomas S. Monson
said this...

Dear Family and Friends,
This blog is for you. I use it to express my feelings for you. I am grateful for you and for the fun and excitement you bring into my life.
With Much Love,
CoRi dAwN

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I totally surprised Mike.

Yes I did.
I NEVER EVER can keep a surprise.
I just can't.
But I did this time.
I told him for Valentine's Day
I bought us dance lessons.

It sounds nice...
but really it wouldn't have been.
We are not really the dancing type.
Don't get me wrong now, I LOVE to dance,
but more of a freestyle than actual legit dance moves. And my babe,
well let's just say he's super cute!
And we'd probably do more laughing
than dancing.

Anyway Staci and I bought tickets
to take our hubs out to see

Cirque Du Soleil
It was stinking amazing!!

I highly recommend going and seeing any of
Cirque Du Soleil's shows if you have an opportunity. There is some serious talent.
And well worth the ticket price.

Dear Cirque Du Soleil,
Ya'll can do some dang freaky moves with your bodies. Seriously Amazing. I was completely entertained. I think my favorite part was the trampolines. And ya'll are so graceful. I can't even walk that graceful. Thanks so much for the entertainment, Mike was WAY happy when he found out he was seeing you and not taking dancing lessons.
CoRi dAwN

Saturday, February 4, 2012

So Turn It On, Turn It Up, And Sing Along...

I love music.
A lot.

And my hot man knows it.
So for my birthday he bought me tickets to
Virtual Reality Tour
It was awesome.
Staci and I went and had a big ol' blast.
That Brad Paisley is really something.
I heart him.

I just gotta tell ya'll this...
That Brad *can* play the guitar!
He's country musics Jimi Hendrix.

The music was loud and the crowd was fun!
The crowd was the loudest when
Brad brought out Denver's very own
That kid is DANGITY cute.
And I actually gave Alyson permission to marry bout that?!
Not many will even come close to getting that kind of permission.

Brad brought with him

They were both also fabulous.

I felt so thankful for my Mike.
He is so thoughtful, he knew I would love that concert.
And I did.

My favorite song that night was this..
*please click pause on my music below*

And this song moved Staci to tears.
It was sweet.

I mean I *really* love country music.
And that night was really special.
Thanks Staci for coming and taking pictures.

Dear Brad Paisley,
You entertain me. I LOVED your Virtual Reality Tour! I think you are super cute, very talented, and I bet you are a lovely husband to that cute little wife of yours.
I think you made a great choice when you decided to bring The Band Perry and that stinking cute Scotty with you. You can bet on one thing for sure...
I'll be "turnin it on, turnin it up, and singin along"!
CoRi dAwN