Friday, May 20, 2011

A new tree. We named it Chuck.

This was the enormous hole my dearest Mike dug for my new tree.
I'm thinking it might have been about 50% too big.
But it's cool.

This was one of many piles of dirt I had in my front yard for about 2 days.

And another pile of dirt to look at for a couple of days.
Oh and that is a FLAT tire you see.

And this is the tree that sat for 2 days waiting to be planted.
It is sideways because by this point the tree and myself wanted to
 lay down and forget about the planting.

Well look at that! I have a new tree in my front yard thanks to my dearest husband.

Dear Mike,
Thank You for all of the hard work
you do for me!!
I love you.
Love, CoRi dAwN


  1. I suppose you could say that I try 50% harder than others. I hope "Chuck" grows big and tall. I love you for still loving me despite my "tardedness" sometimes.

  2. It took me a minute to figure out "tardedness". What kind of a tree is chuck? Perfect spot, in a few years you'll have some shade. And, the hole looked awesome.
